WISPAU Response to 6Ghz ACMA Options Paper

WISPAU Response for 6Ghz Upper Band

WISPAU has now drafted a response to the ACMA 6GHz Upper Band Options Paper.

The WISPAU response details the feedback from WISPAU and Vendors in terms of the best options with regards to a fixed wireless view.

WISPAU will be strongly supporting that the upper band in 6GHz be aligned with RLAN frequency channel assignment and that the ACMA should as a priority start to review (and possibly trial with WISPAU member support) higher power outdoor devices operating in the 6GHz band either via current licensing models or by implementing a trial AFC database arrangement such as those in place in Canada and US.

It cannot be understated the importance of  access to 6Ghz spectrum for WISP’s in Australia to deliver improved broadband services to customers across Australia.

You can read the full response online in the WISPAU Members download section here

Note: You will need to login to the members section at WISPAU for access to the response paper.

We encourage WISPAU members to read the response paper and provide feedback to – president@wispau.au before 12th July.

Submission of the response occurs before 16th July to the ACMA.

about WISPAU

WISPAU represents the Wireless Internet Service Providers of Australia, achieving greater coverage, overall competitiveness in the broadband market and offering a local service that delivers economic benefits for the areas they cover.

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