Wireless ISP Tower - WISPAU

IPART Repsonse to WISPAU Submission

In response to WISPAU’s submission to IPART for review of rents on communications sites on Crown land, IPART has requested further information from WISPAU members in order to collect further data for proposals on rental fee schedules as required by IPARTS terms of reference.

IPART are seeking further information from interested WISPAU members with relevant rental information that members can provide on sites that reside in New South Wales.

IPART have sent WISPAU a spreadsheet template for interested members to complete.

It is noted that IPART do intend to publish the data set collected that they will use for the fee schedule in their draft report and will not be able to consider any confidential data when preparing the report.

The information and data is required before June 5th 2024.

Any members who wish to participate and provide the data to IPART can download the IPART template in the WISPAU Members Only downloads section and can be sent to president@wispau.au for submission or be sent to IPART directly.

about WISPAU

WISPAU represents the Wireless Internet Service Providers of Australia, achieving greater coverage, overall competitiveness in the broadband market and offering a local service that delivers economic benefits for the areas they cover.

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