6Ghz Options in Upper Band ACMA

The ACMA has released a paper on the possible future use options in the upper 6Ghz band.

The paper reviews the potential options open to the ACMA in the future usage of this band.

As set out in the ACMA’s draft Five-year spectrum outlook 2024–29, there have been important international developments in the upper 6 GHz band (6425–7125 MHz).

Many jurisdictions are introducing or considering the introduction of radio local area networks (RLANs) and/or wide-area wireless broadband (WA WBB) services in the band. The lower part of the band (5925–6425 MHz) has been made available for use by RLANs in Australia.

ACMA is seeking views on planning options to possibly introduce RLANs and/or WA WBB services in the upper 6 GHz band in Australia.

ACMA are also seeking industry views on:

  • the services proposed to be delivered using the upper 6 GHz band
  • how the proposed services will benefit users
  • the expected demand for those services.


The consultation paper also continues discussion about potential enhancements to existing RLAN arrangements in the broader 6 GHz band. This includes looking into issues related to the potential introduction of standard-power devices.

To support ACMA’s review of the upper 6 GHz band, ACMA have placed a spectrum embargo on the band. This prohibits the issuing of new apparatus licences in the upper 6 GHz band. See Spectrum Embargo 81.


It cannot be understated the importance of allowing WISPs access to this spectrum to deliver improved network services and drive market competition for broadband services across all areas of Australia.

WISPAU looks forward to the ongoing discussions of the 6Ghz spectrum with the ACMA with a view that WISPs will be able to deliver improved high speed services in Australia via this spectrum and will be responding to the paper.

about WISPAU

WISPAU represents the Wireless Internet Service Providers of Australia, achieving greater coverage, overall competitiveness in the broadband market and offering a local service that delivers economic benefits for the areas they cover.

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